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Home > Crewing companies > Denmark > Echoship ApS

Echoship ApS

Echoship ApS Echoship ApS was founded in 1990 and is today owned by the total of 5 partners, Kim Gundesen, Steffen Andersen, Henning Jensen,Morten Birk, and Henning Knudgaard Jensen, all heavy involved in the daily work of the company.

As from 2012 a total of 10 persons are engaged in the company, and there are plans, aim, and hope for further developments.
Contact details and pictures of the entire staff can be taken from our contact page.

The main activity of Echoship ApS is chartering management of coasters in European trade, a service which we offer to ship owners in a package together with full operation, accounting and controlling of all voyage-related income and expenses.
If required we can arrange maritime insurance covers, as well as claims handling.

We also work worldwide as competitive brokers, with focus on tonnage up to about 10.000 mtdwcc.
Presently, we manage about 15 coasters in the size from 2500 mt dwcc and up to about 5000 mt dwcc.

In 2012 Echoship was awarded the highest credit rating AAA from messrs. Soliditet, a company within the Duun & Bradstreet organization,
just like we were several times upto 2012. This enables our port agents and other business partners to allow us longer credit times which in turn gives a smooth and quick port handling.

Our ships accept most dry cargo carried at sea. Our main activity remains carriage of sawn timber from Baltic to various destinations in UK and Continent. Our yearly volume in this specific trade adds up to close to a million cubic meters and most of it is covered by contracts with very long standing relations.

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Kullinggade 31E, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark
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