With our directory you can easily find and contact directly with crewing agency or maritime employment company, get detailed contacts such as: company name, email, phone number, address, web-site and send your Application Form.
At this moment we have in our maritime directory 5906 registered companies from 140 countries and 1278 cities.
We do our best for our maritime directory to be ideal, universal, easy to use and useful for every seafarer.
The main role of crewing companies - is to provide manning services between the shipowner and the seafarer, and pays for these services primarily the shipowner.
Sometimes crewing companies charge a fee to seafarers for employment.
Crewing company examines every seafarer for the professional competence, it documents and certificates legitimacy.
At this moment we have in our maritime directory 5906 registered companies from 140 countries and 1278 cities.
We do our best for our maritime directory to be ideal, universal, easy to use and useful for every seafarer.
About Crewing
"Crewing" is a word which means recruiting sailors on merchant or river vessels.The main role of crewing companies - is to provide manning services between the shipowner and the seafarer, and pays for these services primarily the shipowner.
Sometimes crewing companies charge a fee to seafarers for employment.
Crewing company examines every seafarer for the professional competence, it documents and certificates legitimacy.