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MEWO S.A. MEWO is a modern company on the European offshore market. We are specialized in developmental works, seabed survey as well as renting professional services and measuring equipment. The highest quality of our products and services is provided by the team of specialists with years of experience. We conduct the survey and participate in numerous initiatives, which results in higher safety of our services and raises the effectivity of proprietary solutions.

MEWO aims to meet Clients’ expectations constantly by realization of projects, effective management of equipment and craft being at partnership’s disposal, optimisation of economic results and constant development of the company.

In our activity we are inspired by the following values:

Reliability, accuracy and speed of action,
Responsibility and honesty,
Cooperative attitude,
Endurable development and constant innovation

In 2014 our company gained the ISO 9001 quality certification, which ensures that the system of quality management in MEWO has successfully undergone the examination of compliance with standards describing best practices. This is the sign, that we have introduced indispensable internal processes in order to meet all the requirements of our Clients, to ensure organizational efficiency and the highest quality of goods and services.

Concerning the natural environment, MEWO has also introduced the system of environmental management, defined in the norm ISO 14001. The aim of this process was to increase the effects of environmental activity, to manage the waste safely as well as to prevent environmental risks and to manage energy and water economically.

MEWO has got also ISO 18001 safety certification, which ensures that our company carries out effective actions for the sake of occupational safety and health improvement. It results in raising working comfort, preventing accidents and effective avoidance of potentially dangerous events. MEWO is led by care for life and health of its own employees, subcontractors, employees hired temporarily and other people being at the premises of the enterprise as well.

Targets concerning quality, protection of natural environment and OSH are realized by:
Constant orientation towards needs and expectations of Clients both external and internal
Individual and reliable attitude towards each Client, gaining his or her true appreciation and trust
Mutually beneficial connections with suppliers, constant cooperation for the best interest of the Client
Sense of responsibility for the quality of our services
Providing services on the stable level of quality, constant advancement and improvement of protection of natural environment level and occupational safety
Adhering to biding regulations and legal requirements referring to natural environment, occupational safety and corresponding environmental aspects
Minimalizing the possibility of an accident at work or occupational disease and registering events potentially accidental
Constant process of raising awareness and skills of our employees as well as their engagement in following the rules of environmental management and occupational safety
Advancement of all the processes and preventive actions realized in the organization
Our targets are guaranteed by the awareness of the Management and its employees of the necessity of constant advancement of processes directed to our Clients’ satisfaction and fulfilling their needs as well as the requirements of the following norms PN - EN ISO 9001:2009, PN - EN ISO 14001:2005, OHSAS 18001:2007.
The policy of Integrated Management System is constantly revised in terms of its continuous applicability.

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ul. Starogardzka 16 83-010 Straszyn
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