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Home > Crewing companies > Romania > Tulcea > PETRIMAR SHIPPING LTD


It is a little known fact that there are currently over 15,000 registered Romanian Seafarers presently at sea serving shipping companies all around the world. These men have all been trained to a very high standard at the IMO certified Romanian Maritime Centre which was established 1976, they are able to operate on the most sophisticated vessels afloat with great expertise and with maximum safety awareness. The world is becoming a smaller place, and as of January 1st 2007 Romania was granted entry into the EU making it easier for European ship owners and operators to tap into this highly trained workforce. We, at Petrimar Shipping understand the needs of ship owners / operators and the importance of having experienced crewmen onboard their vessels’ to safely navigate and the deliver their cargoes and so maximize the vessels profitability. All the seafarers that we have on our portfolio have years of experience on board all kinds of vessels and at all ranks, from Captains to AB’s, they all have a good understanding of the English language, and an excellent work ethic. Please take a few moments to read our company introduction and services that we offer, we are sure that we will be able to offer you a friendly and professional Service to help resolve all your crewing requirements. Should you require any further information about our company and the services we offer, please feel free to contact us on any of the numbers on our contacts sheet and will be happy to answer your questions.

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Pacii str., no. 20, Tulcea, Romania
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