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Home > Crewing companies > Poland > Gdynia > Reliance Partners Ltd.

Reliance Partners Ltd.

Reliance Partners Ltd.

Reliance Partners Ltd. Gdynia have been established in 1994 and registered in Poland 3rd January 1995 with number REGON 190482158 to represent and secure in North part of Poland her mother company Reliance Electric GmbH business.

Until now, main stream of Reliance Partners Ltd. activity used to be arranging electro-automation systems overhauls , technical consulting, preparing experts reports , as well as repairing and maintenance vessels staying in ports and shipyards. Delivering spare parts for foreign flag vessels built in Poland has been also important sector of RP service.

Reliance Partners Ltd.

Reliance Partners Ltd. crewing service procedures consist of (but are not limited to):

  • Searching on Polish labor market for best candidates to be employed at sea or offshore, matching initial criteria given by employers.
  • Checking potential candidate certificates, experience, professional knowledge, English communication abilities.
  • Veryfying maritime licenses with Maritime Administration.
  • Supplying seafarers with overalls ( on employer request ).
  • Arranging visas formalities.
  • Preparing seafarers Letter of Employment.
  • Arranging flag state documents.
  • Arranging seafarer's transportation to and from the ship including flight tickets.

Additionally, on our client's request, we do the following:

  • Organizing interviews with candidates for the ship owners representatives.
  • Sending indicated candidates to additional training courses.
  • Arranging drugs and alcohol tests.
  • Participating in transmitting salaries to individual bank accounts.
  • Labor market research.

We are also used to deal with all other crewing-related services. We are permanently seeking for officer candidates, previously employed offshore, especially experienced with DP system, semisub drilling rigs and drilling vessels.

Officers capacity often in demand:

DPO, C/O, OOW with offshore exper. C/O with AHTS exper.
C/O Ltd.,OOW with chem/oil exper.
Cpt, C/O, OOW & C/E, 2/E,ETO, EOW with reefer-carriers exper.
Cpt, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E , 3/E , ETO with container-carriers experience.

We have currently in our service :
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, drilling ships, AHTS, chem/prod. tankers,
reefer-container carriers, containers.

Our officers are employed with contract duration:
4 /4 weeks onb. - offshore vsls
12/6 weeks onb. - AHTS
8 weeks onb. - chem/prod tankers
4 months onb. - containers
4-5 months onb. - reefer-container carriers.


Seafarer Application

Candidates declare their willingness to work with the owners/managers served by RP Ltd by sending in an application on-line, or supplying their CV by mail or e-mail. There are also applications made in person by seafarers visiting our office.
In most cases, they are sending in applications for vacancies advertised on the Portal Morski or press releases.

On receipt of a detailed description of the vacancy, company begins the process of selection, i.e. selecting candidates for the optimal profile, up to meeting the expectations of the owner in terms of experience, qualifications, education, its powers and documents.

Candidates are initially introduced (pre-advertised) with the name and date of birth. The owner declares whether candidate is new for him and is interested in his full CV. From time of express owner?s interest in the candidate, followed by briefing seafarer regarding vacancy?s details, final seafarer?s consent to be employed is received, and the process of accurately collecting information about him begins just to fill in the database's with scanned documents as well, so that the application sent to the owner contains as much valuable data as possible.

We?re used to introduce candidates with full application provided with a passport-photo. Depending on the owner?s requirements, shall also be included "Owner's application form", test results (Marlins, CES etc.), scans of some documents and opinions etc.

The Manager then compares our candidate with candidates presented by the Polish crewing/manning competitors and candidates presented by other nationalities from other countries - in order to select the best.

If our seafarer is chosen, the selection is completed. The candidate shall be submitted together with all supporting data and documents to the Crewing Manager to prepare him for next stage ? "Placement" ? signing onboard the ship.

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Centrum Kwiatkowskiego, stairs "B", 3rd floor Str.: 10 lutego 16, 81-364 Gdynia, Poland
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