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Terra-Marine Agencies (Pvt) Ltd.

Terra-Marine Agencies (Pvt) Ltd.

The Terra-Marine group was incorporated in 1988 by Capt. Saulat Majeed Khan, Group Chairman & Managing Director.

Capt. Khan’s experience in shipping extends to his service as General Manager from 1974 to 1976 and as Managing Director of Gulf East Ship Management Ltd. 1976 to 1986, where he was responsible for the development and management of a fleet from four old vessels to an average of 65 vessels of various types from 10,000 DWT tween-deckers to 300,000 DWT ULCC’s, registered under Flags of Convenience as well as National Flags with multinational crews, the operation of the three training vessels, which trained over 500 cadets both, deck and engine, to produce quality officers and engineers; and the supervision of 20 new buildings between 15,000 DWT to 75,000 DWT in Japan, South Korea & Brazil.

Whilst with Terra-Marine, Capt. Khan also acted as Vice Chairman and Member of the Board of ECO Shipping representing Pakistan’s equity in the company owned by ECO countries from 2000 to 2002.

In 2005, Terra-Marine was the Lead Consultant in a consortium consisting of Terra-Marine, A & P Appledore, KPMG, HTSPE Limited, Orix Investment Bank, Mohsin Tayyab Ali & NESPAK commissioned to advise the Government of Pakistan on the privatization of the Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works.

Capt. Khan acts as an arbitrator in Maritime Disputes either referred to by parties at the High Court or for out of court ADR matters.

Terra-Marine maintains a database of over 1500 existing officers and 4000 ratings.

At the time of formation of Terra-Marine, many executives and seafarers of the Gulf East team were brought onboard due to their extensive experience in Ship Management under Capt. Khan at M/s Gulf East Ship Management Ltd., Hong Kong.


deck ratings

TERRA-MARINE Agencies (Pvt) Ltd. is part of the TERRA-MARINE group and is one of the leading licensed and MLC-2006 attested seafarers’ recruitment and placement service providers and managers in Pakistan, operating since 1984, managed by a group of the sea-going Masters and Chief Engineers with extensive shore ship management and superintendence experience.

TERRA-MARINE offers its principals the flexibility of full or part seafarers management services for all ranks of seafarers and for any periods, i.e. permanent or temporary employment or for only performing delivery voyages and employment on off-shore rigs.

The flexibility also includes the type of contract, i.e. fees only or fixed lump sum for full crewing or any part of the seafarer’s costs as preferred by the principal, i.e. seafarers’ wages only and / or any other aspects of the seafarers costs such as victual ling, travel, catering, training etc. 

The agency is operated by a team of loyal and dedicated workforce specializing in HR, Legal, Marketing, Finance and Payroll professionals, well experienced in Crew Co-ordination and Marine Recruitment.

  • Bernhard Schultz Ship Management
  • Kuwait Oil Tanker Company
  • Wallem Ship Management
  • Aeolos Management S.A.
  • Far Seas Shipping
  • Shell Ship Management

The company is attested for compliance by Lloyd's Register for Quality Management System of Seafarer Manning Offices (SMO), with Quality Assurance certification ISO-9001 in compliance with the requirements of Regulation 1.4 of the MLC – Maritime Labour Convention 2006. The quality system includes the documented procedures for crew management, recruitment and placement, emergency response plans, approved sub-contractors, credit control and internal audit plans.

The agency is also certificated to ISO 14001-2004 and OHSAS 18001-2007 standards.

Our dedicated seafarers management includes the following quality, cost-effective services:

  • Seafarers co-ordination
  • Seafarers interviewing, vetting and selection
  • Maintaining seafarers records
  • Training matrix management
  • Seafarers scheduling
  • Seafarers travel
  • Crewing budgets
  • Payroll administration
  • Management reporting
  • Out of hours service and emergency response

The Pakistan Maritime Training Complex is administered by the Administration, which is well equipped with simulators and other electronic training systems and material, and recognized by the World Maritime University in Malmo. Pakistan is on the IMO White List.

Recognizing the needs of the future the Company established its own Academy in the name of "Institute of Maritime Studies" (previously known as "Lahore Institute of Nautical Studies") click here for details Institute of Maritime Studies, which is fully accredited and approved by the Administration after having met more than recommended requirements under IMO guideline. The Academy's Principal is the ex-Chief Examiner for Engineers, Government of Pakistan and supported by a faculty of Master Mariners & Chief Officers, who have years of experience in their respective ranks on different type of vessels, trading world-wide.

All courses and educational training for seafarers is conducted in English. All officers pass their high schooling in English and are fluent in the language. The ratings by and large are proficient in English. Ratings are subject to the Intensive English Language Program (IELP 5) course and test, and the English Marine Vocabulary course.

All officers and ratings employed by the Company are fully trained in accordance with current STCW Conventions.

The Company has an extremely comprehensive database of about 4000 Officers and 1500 existing Ratings, which is continuously updated.

The database may be accessed to search by various categories of officers and ratings including types of vessels, special qualifications, experience, full contact details, availability and other relevant information, so as to efficiently identify and recommend the most suitable seafarers for particular assignment. 

The Company operates its own roaster for ratings. The Seamen are inducted in our roaster after a unique and thorough screening process after which they are dedicated for the Company's employment only.

The Company is dedicated to Manning Services and presently manning vessels to the full satisfaction of various Owners since 1984. Its Principals include:

  • Aeolos Management S.A, Piraeus
  • Bernhard Schultz Ship Management, Isle of Man, Singapore & Mumbai
  • Far Seas Shipping Inc., Beirut, Lebanon
  • Furtrans Shipping and Trading, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC), S.A.K, Kuwait
  • National Iranian Tanker Company (NITC), Tehran, Iran
  • Seven Seas Shipping & Trading
  • Shell Ship Management Limited, Isle of Man
  • Smit Lamnalco Crew Management (Pvt) Ltd. Singapore
  • Wallem Ship Management Ltd. Hong Kong & Mumbai

The Company maintains separate units for each Principal under the charge of a Marine Personnel Officer (MPO), who maintains a close liaison with Principals assigned to him overseen by the fleet personnel director. He attends to all matters pertaining to staff requirements from time to time. A team of exclusive support staff assists him. 

For efficient & economic movement of ships staff, the Company has a Travel Department with personnel specially experienced in handling of seafarers travelling for joining / repatriation.

Manning and seafarers management is undertaken on fixed lump sum contracts, cost and fee contracts as well as supply individual officer and rating. The Company employs seafarers on NMB (National Maritime Board - catering for national flag carriers), ILO (International Labour Organization) and ITF-TCC (International Trade Federation - Total Seafarers Cost, essentially for FOC vessels).

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2nd Floor, Old Ralli Building, Talpur Road, Off I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi - 74000, Pakistan.
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