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Verba Shipping

Verba Shipping Recognizing the human element as a powerful tool in vessel's safe & quality operations, as a vital factor in business success, Verba Shipping provides ship owners, ship managers and ship operators with high quality crew manning services in accordance to local and international regulatory requirements, such as IMO, ILO, Flag requirements, the revised STCW Convention and Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as well as those established by our clients.
In this respect Verba Shipping has been certified according to the ISO 9001: 2008 Standard and ILO MLC, 2006 by Lloyds Register.


The Chairman, Cpt. George Pilonitis, with over 40 years of valuable experience in the shipping market, initially formed on 1987 recruiting company with participants, until 1993, when he founded his own crew manning company “Verba Shipping”, successfully operating since then.
But also the dedication and actions of all Company's personnel, are key factors of company's success.
The Quality Manager, having the overall responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of the Quality System, works 15 years with the company, whereas Chief Operator 8 years and all Operators 5 years as a minimum. This provides each Principal the advantage of cooperation with people who are well falimiarized with his company''s specific needs and requirements, leading to stability at operations.
All staff receives adequate training for the development of competence skills that are essential of the provision of quality services.
Company is located at privately owned offices at Piraeus Greece.


In Verba we want the process of recruitment and placement of crewmembers to be effected and controlled in the most efficient way, always in line with the client's requirements and applicable laws and regulations.
We commit ourselves to providing the shipowners/managers with marine personnel who are qualified, highly trained, knowledgeable, motivated, experienced and medically fit, who will uphold the welfare, the safety of life and property at sea as well as the protection of the environment.
Likewise, we constantly seek for new trends and opportunities in the business to meet future clients' needs and exceed their expectations.


Within the passage of time, we have built strong relations of mutual trust with our clients worldwide.

How was this achieved?
Our philosophy has always been that the owner's/manager's interest could be best protected only by our operating as inseparable department of each client's office.
Our policy is therefore more than flexible, is to consider the style of each ship owner/manager as unique, to adopt it and conduct our operations accordingly.
Such view does not only have the theoretical value of of a proper cooperation; it has the practical importance of taking the right decisions.
And every decision that we take today, we will meet again tomorrow; as its outcome.
It is our direct approach to the needs and requirements of each client, our professionalism, honesty and reliability, that make us remain on the side we want to be; the side of the winners.


Our objective is to improve our development and become the first choice for seafarers and manpower supply by:

providing our clients with excellent services
operating as inseparable department of their own office
establishing strong relations of confidence

79-81, NOTARA Str., 185 35 PIRAEUS, GREECE
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