The system consists of a series of stock item record cards, each card recording the following information about the stock item:
Maximum Stock Level - the desired maximum stock level
Reorder Point - the level at or below which auto requisitions are generated
Stock on Hand - actual stock level on board
Refit Stock level - additional quantity to be requisitioned for refit/dry-dock
Minimum Order Level - minimum quantity to be requisitioned
Description - full description of item
Part Number - up to 4 supplier part numbers can be stored
Stock Location - up to 3 locations on board can be stored
Manufacturer/Supplier - up to 4 suppliers can be recorded
Unit price - unit price information
Optional Barcode Scanner integration.
Nameplate information of serial numbers, drawing numbers, types etc are stored in a nameplate file with individual stock items linking to their equipment nameplate records. A Names & Address file holds manufacturer, supplier, delivery address and contact information.
Requisitions can be produced manually by browsing through the stock items and selecting items to be requisitioned and entering a desired quantity, or automatically.
Automatic requisitions provide the user with a list of all items with stock on hand at or below the set reorder point, taking into account previous requisitions still in the pipeline. Users then have to select which of the proposed items they wish to requisition and have an opportunity to modify the requisition amount.
Stock issues, receipts and return to stock are quickly and easily accomplished together with adjustments or editing of descriptive information. Stock transactions are written for issues, receipts, return to stock, unit price change, account code change and stock adjustments.
An integral account codebook enables issues to be recorded to individual cost centers where this is required for cost control purposes and a full range of reports is available.
A navigator screen allows users to browse through the inventory and quickly find stock items. MPMWin systems can be attached to enable them to issue stock items when filing PM job completions.
An office based Office Storekeeper for Windows (OSKWin) is available, enabling shore management to monitor onboard spares status. Vessels can transmit current inventory status ashore by floppy disk or email attachments on a regular basis.
Simplicity is the key to success with all computerized marine systems.
Easy to use
Minimal Training required