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ContractStar (contract management)

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Software Developer: BUSS DATA GmbH
Address: 26762 Leer, Postfach 12 06, GERMANY
Website: Website link
Views: 2196
Image: ContractStar (contract management)
File: ContractStar-Brochure.pdf (654.79 KB)
The daily life of a shipping company involves concluding an increasing number of contracts that need to be monitored. Since the numbers of contracts and their complexity is increasing continuously, efficient contract management and optimum transparency are essential. ContractStar is a contract management software for centralised management of all contracts concluded in the context of the shipping company. Contracts can be managed and digitally archived independently of the department. All contracts entered are organised in shipping company specific categories and can be filtered using custom filters and exported to PDF or Excel. Contract assurance is boosted by tracking deadlines and email reminders to the persons responsible. ContractStar offers the user major time savings and conserves valuable resources.