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Industrial Safety Manager for Windows

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Software Developer: Marine Software Limited
Address: 4 Ozengell Place, Eurokent Business Park, Ramsgate, Kent. CT12 6PB, United Kingdom.
Website: Website link
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Image: Industrial Safety Manager for Windows
Industrial Safety Manager for Windows has been specifically designed to assist operators safety departments with the requirements under ISM for Health and Safety. The System will create and track the following safety documents: Risk Assessments COSHH Assessments Machinery Assessments Manual Handling Assessments Permits to Work Safe Systems of Work Health Monitoring Incident Reports Documents (e.g. Policies, Procedures, Responsibilities etc) Operators will be able to set up all their generic and specific documents (such as a Risk Assessment) in the head Office system and deploy them to their sites. Each site will be able to import this data into their system for their use. Of course a site system can create their own documents as they wish. Each site will be able to transfer their data to the head office, so the operators safety department can monitor all the documents on each one of their sites. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR DOCUMENTS Do you know when all of your Risk Assessments (RA) are due for review and re-assessment? With Industrial Safety Manager you can see if your RA is due for review. Outstanding Permits will stay live on the system until they are completed and Signed off by the Authorising Officer. Electronically Sign your Documents via an Encrypted Password System. Changes are saved into History so you can track your versions. Simplicity is the key to success with all computerized industrial systems. AVAILABLE VERSIONS The following systems will come in Full and 'Lite' versions: Office Safety Management (OSM) - Create all your Generic and Specific documents for all of your sites in the default site in the office. Control all your sites from within the Head Office system. Industrial Safety Manager (ISM) Site Version - Import documents from your company safety department or create them onboard. For each of your operational activities you can attach Generic and Specific Risk Assessments, COSHH Assessments, Safe Systems of Work, Permits to work and Health Monitoring. Incident reports can be created against the activity. KEY BENEFITS Robust Easy to use Minimal Training required