Product Specification:
A Comprehensive Voyage Planning, Monitoring And Ocean Navigation Program For Windows.
PC Marine Navigator for Windows offers extensive facilities for route and voyage planning and for navigation. Written with the user in mind, PC Marine Navigator for WINDOWS give easy access to functions and extensive on-screen help is available, with user friendly input boxes and buttons.
Voyage (Passage) Planning:
For compliance with IMO, SOLAS and ISM code requirements:
Create, edit and store multiple waypoints.
Create, edit and store multiple routes, with comments.
Create, edit and store multiple alerts (reminders) for routes.
World map outline, for easy visualisation of ships position, tidal port selection, tracks, stored routes, waypoints and alerts. *
The course between waypoints can be set to be Rhumb Line, Great Circle or Composite Great Circle sailing.
The calculated voyage plan shows the course(s) and distances between each pair of waypoints, the ETA at each waypoint for an entered speed, comments, alerts and much more.
Screen capture, allowing the plan overview to be printed and /or incorporated in documents.
The calculated voyage plan can be viewed on screen, printed , or output to a Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) or text file for sharing and e-mail transmission.
Voyage (Passage) Monitoring:
Connection to GPS output for real time monitoring of progress along route or operation in DR (Dead Reckoning) mode with manual input of positions.
Graphical output of ships position on chart display.
Display of ships track on chart display.
Rhumb line sailings.
Great Circle sailing.
Composite Great Circle sailing.
Find Position. (D.R Position).
Course & Speed made good.
Course to Steer calculation.
Built-in Compass Deviation Table.
Tidal predictions:
Memory of all data for tidal predictions.
Selection of any time zone by the user, irrespective of the port's zone.
Inbuilt tidal data for over 600 European ports.
Add your own ports for anywhere in the world.
Calculation of tidal heights at any entered port until the year 2090.
Output of heights in metres or feet.
Graphic display of the tidal height curve for 2 days with moving cursor and draught line.
Real time graphic display of the tidal height curve with moving cursor; automatically updated from the computers clock and calendar.
Prediction of high and low water times and heights for 2-31 days.
Output of tidal heights at 6 minute intervals for 2 days.
Graphic tidal curves can be printed.
Text output of tides can be printed or exported to text file.
Find nearest port function & rapid search function for port name.
Celestial Navigation:
Sight reduction with all corrections automatically applied.
Fix for any number of sights and running on of sights for stored course & speed.
Automatic position update.
Memory of all relevant voyage data.
Identification of Stars and Planets.
Prediction of co-ordinates for any body.
"ASTROPLAN ": prediction of all bodies above the horizon and LHA Aries for any time.
"Graphic Sky": graphical display of all bodies above the horizon at any time.
Times of twilights & Sun meridian passage.
Moon Phase, percentage illuminated, times of rising and setting and meridian passage.
Compass Errors.
Built-In Almanac for the Sun, Moon, Planets and all the Navigational Stars until the year 2100.
Please note that the world map is not suitable for navigation, we can offer our Seamaster, Yacht Chart Display and Chartplanner Electronic Chart products for full on-screen navigational use - see our Windows Software.
Minimum System Requirements
IBM PC compatible computer with Pentium 300Mhz or faster processor, 16MB RAM, 400 MB (0.5 GB) free space on hard disk, mouse and VGA screen. Windows 2000/XP/Vista /Windows 7 (both 32 bit and 64 bit versions) / Windows 8 operating system.