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PC Yacht Chart Display - Europe - Africa - USA

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Software Developer: Dolphin Maritime Software
Address: Unit 626 Alston House White Cross Lancaster LA1 4XF UK
Website: Website link
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Image: PC Yacht Chart Display - Europe - Africa - USA
PC Yacht Chart Display - Europe (SWPC22) / Africa (SWPC23) / USA (SWPC24) Product Specification PC Yacht Chart Display for Windows is a sophisticated electronic charting program, able to use the world renowned, accurate and resonably priced British Admiralty ARCS Skipper Electronic Charts. Designed for use onboard or ashore and giving accurate navigation, plotting and voyage planning facilities. PC Yacht Chart Display Europe for Windows is based on our proven PC Seamaster for Windows software but is restricted to particular areas of the world to give you a quality program at a very low price (see end of this page for details). Program functions available include: CHART DISPLAY - Clear display of ARCS Skipper Charts for the designated area, with Day, Dusk and Night time display colours. Rapid Chart scrolling, Chart Details, Chart correction status, Chart Datum status. REAL TIME NAVIGATION - Real time navigation display using GPS position input. Own Ship vector, continuous Navigation Display, Navigation Log, Range Ring, Bearing and Distance cursor, Ship's track, Active Waypoint, ETA at next Waypoint and ETA at end of Route. OVERLAYS - Multiple transparent overlays can be made for surveying and customisation, using 50 inbuilt icons and 50 icons which you can define yourself. All overlay icons can have comments and numbers attached to them and can be dropped on the Chart or entered from co-ordinates. VOYAGE PLANNING - Creation of multiple voyage plan files, with comments. Each voyage file contains the waypoints for the voyage and the course between waypoints can be set to be Rhumb Line, Great Circle or Composite Great Circle sailing. Voyage files can be easily viewed, edited or added to. The calculated voyage display shows the course(s) and distances between each pair of waypoints and the ETA at each waypoint for an entered speed. The calculated voyage plan can be printed or output to a text file. SAILINGS - Rhumb line sailings. Great Circle sailing. Composite Great Circle sailing. Find Position. (D.R Position). Course & Speed made good. Course to Steer. TIDAL PREDICTIONS - Memory of all data for tidal predictions. Selection of any time zone by the user, irrespective of the port's zone. Inbuilt tidal data for over 400 European ports. You can add your own ports for anywhere in the world. Calculation of tidal heights at any entered port for any date from 1900 to 2090. Output of heights in metres or feet. Graphic display of the tidal height curve for 2 days with moving cursor and draught line. Real time graphic display of the tidal height curve with moving cursor; automatically updated from the computer's clock and calendar. Prediction of high and low water times and heights for 2-31 days. Output of tidal heights at 6 minute intervals for 2 days. Find nearest port function & rapid search function for port name. EASY CHART UPDATING - To update your Skipper Charts, simply insert a single Chart Update CD and let the program do the rest! All your stored Skipper Charts are automatically updated, with a report produced once updating is completed. ARCS Skipper Charts PC Yacht Chart Display Europe (Order Code SWPC22) can use ARCS Skipper Charts for chart areas 1, 2 and 4 (see diagram below). PC Yacht Chart Display Africa (Order Code SWPC23) can use ARCS Skipper Charts for chart area 10 (see diagram below). PC Yacht Chart Display USA (Order Code SWPC24) can use ARCS Skipper Charts for chart areas 8, 9 and 10 (see diagram below). Minimum System Requirements IBM PC compatible computer with Pentium 200Mhz or faster processor, 16MB RAM, hard disk, mouse and VGA screen. GPS receiver with NMEA output (other outputs can be read, to order). Windows 2000/XP/Vista /Windows 7 (both 32 bit and 64 bit versions) / Windows 8 operating system.