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Marine Planned Maintenance for Windows

Home > Maritime Software > Planned Maintenance System > Marine Planned Maintenance for Windows
Software Developer: Marine Software Limited
Address: http://www.marinesoftware.co.uk
Website: Website link
Views: 2846
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The system consists of a series of planned maintenance job cards (PM JobCard), covering the vessels equipment. Each PM JobCard consists of 3 major elements: A set of up to 6 job routines each of which contains the maintenance instructions for a particular task The maintenance schedule for the job routines, consisting of interval and next due date or hours. Intervals can be calendar, hours or events such as dry dock A history record of previous PM job completion reports and directly entered comments. The system issues lists of maintenance due, giving the user a choice of how far to look ahead when including maintenance in the list. The list will include all maintenance due, overdue and shortly due according to the period ahead selected. A similar list of maintenance due to be completed can be produced, enabling users to quickly enter job completion reports in the easy to use job completion module. PM job completions reschedule the job for the next issue, by adding the interval to the completion date or running hours. If linked to A MSKWin stock system, spare parts used can be issued from the inventory listing. Running hour due dates are controlled by Meters which record the latest hours and have a configurable expected daily rate, used to look ahead to predict expected due dates corresponding to next due hours. The prediction looks ahead from the latest meter reading, rather then the last maintenance job completion date, and so becomes more accurate the closer the next due date comes. Meters can be physical devices or readings from running hour books. Additionally users can enter comments directly into the maintenance history, covering unscheduled maintenance and breakdowns. Each comment is correctly inserted in the right chronological order. Additional features of the system include a defect reporting module covering the ISM requirements for defect reporting and a ship information module where a mass of important general information about the vessel can be stored. Calibration readings can be stored in configurable templates. A data transfer system enables the vessels to transfer their PM database updates as an email message or directly to an external memory stick. The central Office Planned Maintenance system (OPMWin) can then easily import these data updates, enabling ship managers and owners to monitor maintenance status onboard. Simplicity is the key to success with all computerised marine systems. Vibration Analysis Link The Marine Planned Maintenance System can optionally Link with the 'Mariner' & 'Voyager' (aka as 'Detector III' & 'FAG DTECT X1 s' from Schaeffler FAG) monitoring units. This allows the Planned Maintenance System to Schedule when the reading needs to be taken and offer simple guidance on the corrective actions to rectify the Alarm or Pre-Alarm Condition. The crew do not need to be trained in Vibration Analysis techniques. KEY BENEFITS Robust Easy to use Minimal Training required