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Marine Purchasing System for Windows

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Software Developer: Marine Software Limited
Address: 4 Ozengell Place, Eurokent Business Park, Ramsgate, Kent. CT12 6PB, United Kingdom.
Website: Website link
Views: 3189
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Marine Software's Purchasing System for Windows consists of two programs, the Marine Purchasing System, which is an onboard system and the Office Purchasing System, which is based shore side. The onboard system is capable of being a full purchasing system both requisitioning and placing orders, or just a requisitioning system, which then transmits the orders to the shore side office system for placing with a supplier. The office system is a full purchasing system capable of communicating with multiple ships at the same time or individual ships. Purchase orders can be produced manually from scratch, from a company catalogue pick list, by browsing an attached stock system, from a purchase order template produced from a copy of a previous order, or as a work order for services. Also quotes for any of the orders can be produced. Once the orders are produced they can be outputted in a number of ways, printed out and posted, faxed or emailed. Both the faxing and emailing are done within the programs themselves without having to exit the program. The systems also contain a budget section showing an overview of the whole ships spending budget or individual ship sections. Each individual budget is split in to monthly sections enabling full control of each sections monthly spending. Detailed reports for the whole budget or the individual sections can be produced and printed out. Reports can be produced on all areas of the purchasing system. For example, from the requisitions produced and purchase orders received to supplier lists and the company catalogue. Allowing management to review day-to-day operations. Each user can be assigned a unique level of entry to the system restricting their access to certain actions and/or a set spending allowance. This enables the management full control over the spending budget. Marine purchasing system for Windows in common with all other Marine Software systems is a very easy to use system, which covers all the features commonly required for specialized Marine Purchasing. KEY BENEFITS Robust Easy to use Minimal Training required