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Home > Seafarers database > Georgia > GEORGE **********
GEORGE **********

GEORGE **********

Able Seaman - Georgia, Batumi

Sea service (years): 3-5

Tel. No.
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Only companies have access to view this hidden field
Only companies have access to view this hidden field
Only companies have access to view this hidden field

Ready for positions

Position Vessel Type Salary per month Duration of contract (Months)
Able Seaman Any Only companies have access to view this hidden field 8


#: From - Till: Vessel Name: Flag: DWT: Enginie: BHP: KW: GRT: Type of vsl: Position: Company Name:
1 20.07.2007 - 20.01.2008 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Georgia 46 N/A N/A 442 181 Tug boat Deck Cadet Only companies have access to view this hidden field
2 17.04.2009 - 20.10.2009 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama 10800 B&W 4455 6060 7064 Chemical tanker Deck Cadet Only companies have access to view this hidden field
3 22.08.2013 - 10.02.2014 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama 9584 B&W 4456 3323 6085 Chemical tanker Able Seaman Only companies have access to view this hidden field
4 21.02.2014 - 22.06.2014 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama 45222 B&W N/A N/A 26874 Chemical tanker Ordinary Seaman Only companies have access to view this hidden field
5 N/A - N/A Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A N/A Mirrlees N/A N/A N/A Tug boat 2nd Officer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
6 N/A - N/A Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A N/A Mirrlees N/A N/A N/A Tug boat 2nd Officer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
7 02.12.2014 - 08.04.2015 Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A 3027 Mirrlees N/A 2220 1676 Bunkering Vessel 2nd Officer Only companies have access to view this hidden field