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Rossella **********

Rossella **********

3rd Engineer - Nicaragua, Miramar

Sea service (years): 1-3

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#: From - Till: Vessel Name: Flag: DWT: Enginie: BHP: KW: GRT: Type of vsl: Position: Company Name:
1 09.03.2016 - 08.03.2016 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama 713t Caterpillar 3000 N/A 804 Offshore Supply vessel 1st Assistant Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
2 09.03.2016 - 09.06.2016 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Venezuela 1200 General Motors 3000 N/A 807 Offshore Supply vessel 1st Assistant Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
3 23.12.2014 - 05.03.2015 Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A 207700 N/A N/A N/A 112213 FSO 3rd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
4 01.06.2013 - 06.06.2014 Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A 104579 t B&W N/A 12350 56326 N/A Engine Cadet Only companies have access to view this hidden field