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Home > Seafarers database > Russia > ALEKSEI **********
ALEKSEI **********

ALEKSEI **********

2nd Engineer - Russia, Murmansk

Sea service (years): 5-10

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Only companies have access to view this hidden field

Certificates of competency

Type Number Valid until Issued by Issue at
Second engineer – 3,000 kW propulsion power or more Only companies have access to view this hidden field 27.07.2024 HARBOUR MASTER OF ASTRAKHAN SEAPORT Russia

Ready for positions

Position Vessel Type Salary per month Duration of contract (Months)
2nd Engineer AHTS Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A


#: From - Till: Vessel Name: Flag: DWT: Enginie: BHP: KW: GRT: Type of vsl: Position: Company Name:
1 01.01.2022 - 28.02.2022 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Russia 4500 Bergen N/A 2х3975 N/A MRSV 2nd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
2 06.10.2021 - 20.11.2021 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Russia 3250 Wartsila N/A 2х2220 N/A Offshore Supply vessel 2nd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
3 14.09.2021 - 05.10.2021 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Saint Christopher 1112 Cummins N/A 2х1268 N/A Offshore Supply vessel 2nd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
4 10.06.2020 - 29.12.2020 Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A 7641 MAN N/A 8000 N/A Fishing vessel 2nd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
5 01.09.2019 - 01.06.2020 Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A 2180 Sulzer N/A 1530 N/A General cargo 2nd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
6 11.04.2018 - 31.08.2019 Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A 2180 Sulzer N/A 1530 N/A General cargo 3rd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
7 18.06.2017 - 27.08.2017 Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A 5557 B&W N/A 2575 N/A Oil Products Tanker 3rd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field