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Marhendra Passa **********

Marhendra Passa **********

1st Engineer - Indonesia, Tangerang

Sea service (years): 10-20

Tel. No.
Only companies have access to view this hidden field
Only companies have access to view this hidden field
Only companies have access to view this hidden field

Certificates of competency

Type Number Valid until Issued by Issue at
Chief engineer – up to 3,000 kW propulsion power Only companies have access to view this hidden field N/A Directorate General of Sea Transportation Republic of Indonesia Indonesia

Ready for positions

Position Vessel Type Salary per month Duration of contract (Months)
1st Engineer Bulk Carrier Only companies have access to view this hidden field 5 (+/-) 1
1st Engineer Passenger vessel Only companies have access to view this hidden field 5 (+/-) 1
1st Engineer General cargo Only companies have access to view this hidden field 5 (+/-) 1
1st Engineer Container Ship Only companies have access to view this hidden field 5 (+/-) 1


#: From - Till: Vessel Name: Flag: DWT: Enginie: BHP: KW: GRT: Type of vsl: Position: Company Name:
1 23.07.1986 - 31.12.1986 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama N/A MAN 16348 12200 9500 T Other vessels Engine Cadet Only companies have access to view this hidden field
2 05.01.1987 - 26.12.1987 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Indonesia N/A MAK (2x) 5460 (2x) 4075 10022 T Passenger vessel Engine Cadet Only companies have access to view this hidden field
3 09.12.1991 - 02.12.1993 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama N/A MAN 18900 14105 10715 T Other vessels 3rd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
4 09.05.1995 - 24.02.1997 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Indonesia N/A MAK (2x) 7638 (2x) 5700 14550 T Passenger vessel 2nd Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
5 25.11.1997 - 23.02.1999 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama N/A MAN 16348 12200 9500 T Other vessels Chief Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
6 28.04.2001 - 31.08.2002 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama N/A MTU (4x) 2814 (4x) 2100 5415 T High Speed Craft 1st Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
7 11.12.2003 - 06.10.2005 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Indonesia N/A MAK (2x) 2814 (2x) 2100 10022 T Passenger vessel 1st Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
8 29.11.2006 - 09.06.2009 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Indonesia N/A MAK (2x) 7638 (2x) 5700 14581 T Passenger vessel 1st Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
9 13.07.2009 - 29.12.2009 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Indonesia N/A MAK (2x) 2814 (2x) 2100 10022 T Passenger vessel 1st Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
10 30.03.2010 - 30.11.2010 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Indonesia N/A Mitsubishi (2x) 8978 (2x) 6700 19225 T Other vessels Chief Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
11 07.08.2011 - 30.01.2012 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama N/A MAN-B&W 10646 7944,9 21030 T Other vessels 1st Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
12 03.08.2012 - 03.03.2013 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama 75740 Mitsubishi 12023 8973 38888 T Other vessels 1st Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field
13 28.06.2013 - 28.10.2013 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Panama N/A Mitsubishi 21115 15758 75277 T Other vessels 1st Engineer Only companies have access to view this hidden field