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antony **********

antony **********

Oiler - India, Tuticorin

Sea service (years): 3-5

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Only companies have access to view this hidden field
Only companies have access to view this hidden field
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Ready for positions

Position Vessel Type Salary per month Duration of contract (Months)
Oiler Accomodation barge Only companies have access to view this hidden field 2 months


#: From - Till: Vessel Name: Flag: DWT: Enginie: BHP: KW: GRT: Type of vsl: Position: Company Name:
1 02.03.2009 - 31.10.2009 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Liberia N/A Daihatsu N/A 1765 2683 Oil Products Tanker Oiler Only companies have access to view this hidden field
2 08.07.2008 - 18.11.2008 Only companies have access to view this hidden field Liberia N/A Sulzer N/A 20057 kw 147580 MT VLCC ETO Only companies have access to view this hidden field