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Home > Crewing companies > Ukraine > Mariupol > Crewing Agency ATT-Bermudas Mariupol

Crewing Agency ATT-Bermudas Mariupol

Crewing Agency ATT-Bermudas Mariupol Close relationship with the customers of different nationalities (Greek, German, Poles, Arabs, Indians,Bulgarians) for the duration of twenty Years helped our staff to become familiarized in details with the needs and requirements of every nation separately and all together. The knowledge of the marine traditions, conventions, flag and different vessel’s types requirements let us to be aware in all aspects of crewing business

We clearly understand our role and responsibility in the marine sector and therefore continuously aim to keep our principals satisfied by providing the fast and reliable service to supply the customer’s vessels with highly qualified crew.

Our own data bank of marine specialists covers different professions and contains more than 40000 candidates Most of our seamen have already worked 4 or 5 and more contracts via our Company on different types of vessels for our Partners. It means that mostly we are always in the position to make a judicious choice of the appropriate candidate for every request.

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35, Lunin Ave., Mariupol, Ukraine, 87510
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