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Home >All Jobs > Electricians > ELECTRICAL ENG., AHTS
Electrical Engineer with good English and Marlin test above 80% for Aramco. MUST have at least 24 months experience in rank of ELECTRICAL OFFICER – With experience in DP Systems(Kongsberg) on AHTS vessels.
Salary: USD 160/day
Area: Saudi
Embarkation is on end of this month and 2nd week of july.
Send us your CV immediately on email Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER in subject field ETO with 24 months exp.
IF you were Aramco approved before, please, indicate it in subject field and send us the scan copy of approval. Candidates with Aramco approval will be considered firstly!
+380953572909 Location: Worldwide

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