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Home > Crewing companies > Germany > Bugsier Reederei und Bergungs Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Bremerhaven

Bugsier Reederei und Bergungs Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Bremerhaven

Bugsier Reederei und Bergungs Gesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Bremerhaven Bugsier Reederei today is part of the classic picture of most German seaports. Foremost in Hamburg and Bremerhaven the typical port-panorama includes Bugsier tugs and sheerlegs adding to the cities outstanding maritime atmosphere. Operating the largest tug fleet flying the German flag we have performed a vast number of towing jobs along the Northern European coast. In addition we provide services with salvage crafts and sheerlegs. With a fleet of efficient and powerful tugs we are serving the offshore oil & gas industry for decades as well as the flourishing offshore wind energy market. Our company has internationally earned an excellent reputation with executed projects on a worldwide scale. We are proud of being fully certified according to the strict guidelines of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Achilles and Connexio; we are offering our customers the highest standard.

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Geo-Plate-Strabe 1 27568 Bremerhaven Germany
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