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Marine Superintendent

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The Marine Superintendent is a member of Union Maritime’s Technical and Operations teams.  The role monitors and supports UML’s ship management providers and ships staff and ensures vessels engaged on UML business are operated to a high standard. The role also forms a link between International and WAF Operations making sure vessels transition between the businesses effectively.

The Union Maritime team is a committed group of professionals from a broad range of backgrounds.

To perform the role effectively the Marine Superintendent must establish relationships internally and externally with UML stakeholders (Technical, Operations and Clear Sea Marine), third party ship management providers and, most importantly, vessel senior personnel.

The Marine Superintendent should establish systems to ensure vessels are prepared for operations with respect to processes and equipment including, cargo planning, tank cleaning, STS transfers and general navigation.  These systems should include a program of vessel visits to deliver training and conduct assessments.  Where these assessments cover safety and environmental matters, the Marine Superintendent should liaise with Clear Sea Marine to co-ordinate inspection activity and reporting.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Union Maritime Limited

Views: 13131
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