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Vacancies 11 reefers

Home >All Jobs > Full crew > Vacancies 11 reefers
We serve 11 reefers, DWT : 4.000 - 12.500
We permanently need good specialists. At this moment following vacancies are opened:

Captaines, chief mates Experience
of ref-ships
container ships
DWT: 16500 - 30000 рт.
Chief engineers, 2nd, 3rd engineers
of ref-ships
container ships
DWT: 16500 - 30000 рт.

Electricians Experience
of ref-ships
container ships
DWT: 16500 - 30000 рт.
Ref-engineers Experience
of ref-ships
container ships
DWT: 16500 - 30000 рт.


We represent a greek shipowners, and are straigh agents of him.

We serve 11 reefers, DWT : 4.000 - 12.500
Contract duration:
officers - 6+/- 1 monthes,
rating - 6+/- 1 monthes,
cadets - 5+/- 1 monthes.

All crew members need to have documents of new standart.

Officers - required english skills, ISM code, ISPS code, check-lists. boatswain, chief-cock - englih knowledge in range of speciality.
Language check is made by representative of shipowner..(of those who live if other city - by phone)

All crew members need to have experience minimum 2 years in foreign companies.
(Categorically not allowed seamans from fish ships, ukrainian and russian fleet, who cannot be checked by shipowner.

All ordinary stuff is allowed with presence of adjacent speciality.
motorman - turner, motorman - welder, motorman - electrician (with expirience of such work minimum 4 years with presence of all documents of international standart.

All topside officers, including 2nd and 3rd mate need to have "Medical care" and "Dangerous cargos" certificates.

All officers need to have confirmation of legitimate of diploma. All doplomas and certificates need to be a new standart after 01.07.2000 accordingly to STWC-95.

Ukraine, Sebastopol
19, Ochakovtsev str, office-centre "Consol-Plaza", of. № 412
(38 0692) 47-90-50
(38 0692) 47-90-60
Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER Location: Worldwide

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