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Australian Skipper Needed for Exciting TV Adventure

Home >All Jobs > Companies jobs > Australian Skipper Needed for Exciting TV Adventure
TV production company Windfall Films is recreating a famous Pacific sea voyage for the UK's Channel 4.

Between 18 July and 25 September we will be filming a British crew recreating Captain William Bligh's 4000-mile journey across the Pacific following the mutiny on the HMS Bounty in 1789. We're looking for an Australian sailor with an Ocean Yachtmaster certificate to be a back-up skipper for us - It’s a bit of an odd job and could potentially be very hardcore.

The reserve skipper will travel in comfortable conditions on our support boat, but he must be prepared to step into our main skipper’s role aboard an open lugger boat should this person need to withdraw from the voyage at any time.

We’ve built a replica of the lugger that carried Bligh and his men and it will stop at Tofua, Yadua, Gaua, Restoration Island, Albany Island and Kupang, where the crew will hunt/forage for food and seek shelter. They will mostly be self-sufficient, having to source water and food themselves as they will only be starting with the very limited rations of bread and water that Bligh set out with.

For over half of the journey the lugger boat crew will be at sea - at one stage in the voyage there is a two week period between island stops. The lugger boat is only 7 metres long and it is an open boat so there are no sleeping quarters, no privacy and no shelter from the elements. The journey is estimated to take 6 weeks.

We’re going to have three boats on this voyage:

- An advance survey boat that will recce a safe passage and landing points (this is the boat the reserve skipper will be based on - it is called the Pacific Conquest if you want to have a look at it online).
- The replica lugger boat carrying 9 men, including a skipper, a first mate, a medic, a carpenter, an SAS survival expert, two cameramen and two unskilled guys. Except for the sailors and our ex-forces man, the other men will only have had limited sailing and survival training.
- A support vessel travelling 100 metres behind the lugger with another medic and our film crew - there are also beds aboard this boat for all 9 men travelling in the lugger in case of emergency.

The reserve skipper needs to:

- Have an Ocean Yachtmaster certificate - this is a minimum requirement set by our insurers
- Be available between 18 July-25 September
- Be an Australian passport holder
- Be confident navigating using a sextant and operating a lugger boat
- Be happy to be filmed if he needs to assume the role of lugger boat skipper
- Be comfortable with the conditions aboard the lugger boat (no bed, no amenities and no food supplies except for what the men can catch or hunt)

If you're qualified and have an adventurous spirit then we want to hear from you! Location: Worldwide
Candidates (citizens):

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