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Experienced seafarers

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We are continuously welcome the seafarers of any rank, experienced with merchant fleet and good knowledge of English language. Please download the Application Form (top right side), fulfill it and send us by E-Mail with a short description about Your expectations. This action will put Your details to our data base automatically. The appreciation will be given to the seaman who visited our office personally, has made the contract(s) on the vessels under F.O.C. and has experience with international crew. The availability of certificates as per STCW’95 convention according to the candidate’s rank, good knowledge of the marine specialty and English language are strongly obligatory.

We are glad to have the opportunity to make You sure that our customers are the famous and trustworthy shipowners with a strong economic position at the shipping market operating with following vessel’s types: Bulk Carriers, Cargo Ships, Container ships, Reefers, Tankers, Ro-Ro, tugs and others. All our relations with the customers are covered by the manning agreements. The seamen’s contracts clearly describe the conditions of employment, period of contracts, salary and etc. For the period of the contracts the P&I Club insures every seaman.
We are interesting in our seamen’s support during their employment and the assistance to them for their vacation period. Due to all above present we are able to say that for the years of our activity we have not any unpaid accidences with our seamen.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Crewing Agency ATT-Bermudas Odessa

Views: 13861
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