I'm looking for numerous Contractors for the following;. The work is consulting services for Subsea Infrastructure Inspection Surveys and other Offshore & Onshore Survey Activities.
Prerequisite is minimum of 5 years experience and must speak English .
If you have the necessary experience and are interested in these positions, please e-mail Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER
1. Shallow Seabed Technical Representative (Tech Rep)
2. Safety, Security, Health, and Environment Representative (SSH&E Rep)
3. Offshore Lead Quality Control Representative (Lead Rep)
4. Technical Quality Control Representative
5. Navigation Quality Control Representative (NAV QC)
6. Geotechnical Quality Control Representative (Geotech Rep)
7. Assistant Project Supervisor
8. Marine Mammal Observer (MMO)
9. Technical Audit Engineer, Seismic
10. Onboard Seismic Data Processing QC Representative (DP QC)
Software experience & Vendor
Checkpoint (Reporting Software), MidPoint
Multiseis Project Manager, MultiSeis
Multiseis Global Manager (without tracker), MultiSeis
Multiseis Global Manager (with tracker), MultiSeis
MultiStudio, MultiSeis
Seispos and P1 Tools, FGPS
P1 Tools, FGPS
SPSPro with first break module, FGPS
SegY tools, FGPS
SurvUti,l FGPS
Geograf Reprog 3D Navigation Data QC ,FGPS Location: Worldwide
Prerequisite is minimum of 5 years experience and must speak English .
If you have the necessary experience and are interested in these positions, please e-mail Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER
1. Shallow Seabed Technical Representative (Tech Rep)
2. Safety, Security, Health, and Environment Representative (SSH&E Rep)
3. Offshore Lead Quality Control Representative (Lead Rep)
4. Technical Quality Control Representative
5. Navigation Quality Control Representative (NAV QC)
6. Geotechnical Quality Control Representative (Geotech Rep)
7. Assistant Project Supervisor
8. Marine Mammal Observer (MMO)
9. Technical Audit Engineer, Seismic
10. Onboard Seismic Data Processing QC Representative (DP QC)
Software experience & Vendor
Checkpoint (Reporting Software), MidPoint
Multiseis Project Manager, MultiSeis
Multiseis Global Manager (without tracker), MultiSeis
Multiseis Global Manager (with tracker), MultiSeis
MultiStudio, MultiSeis
Seispos and P1 Tools, FGPS
P1 Tools, FGPS
SPSPro with first break module, FGPS
SegY tools, FGPS
SurvUti,l FGPS
Geograf Reprog 3D Navigation Data QC ,FGPS Location: Worldwide
- Candidates (citizens):
- Worldwide
Job added by Channel Ship Services (CSS) Limited
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