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Fleet Manning Cost Controller

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CESM is a joint venture, 80% owned by China Energy Shipping Investment Co. Limited (“CESI”), a company incorporated in Hong Kong and 20% owned by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd (“MOL”), a company incorporated in Japan. CESI is in turn owned 51% by China Shipping Development Co. Ltd, a listed subsidiary of China Shipping Group and 49% by Kantons Holdings, a listed subsidiary of the Sinopec Corporation.

The main business activity of CESM is the provision of ship management services to the owners of eight LNG tankers, each owned by individual entities who share the same ownership structure as CESM. Individual management agreements have been signed between CESM and each ship owning entity.

Organisational Context

The Fleet Manning Cost Controller is based in the administration department and reports to the Administration Manager, however there is also an indirect reporting line to the Fleet Manning Manager. The post holder works closely with manning personnel and is kept abreast of new developments associated with vessels’ crew, manning agents and crew training. There is also considerable interaction directly with the OPEX Management Accountant and external manning agents.


Purpose of the Position

The high value and detailed nature of manning costs call for a dedicated cost controller to monitor, budget and control charges from manning agents. The role alleviates the burden of detailed financial analysis from the Fleet Manning Manager who is ultimately accountable for the cost of putting crew on the vessels.

Core Tasks and Activities

  1. Gain a thorough understanding of the LNG vessels’ crewing requirements including a full list of officers and ratings, wage scales, crew rotation schedules, overtime schedules and costs associated with manning such as training, travel and subsistence. Review manning agreements and seafarers’ employment contracts and become familiar with their contents.
  2. Preparation of the annual manning budget. Coordinate with manning agents and ensure they deliver an annual crewing budget in time for review and inclusion in the annual OPEX budget. Consolidate manning budgets into a format that is compatible with the annual OPEX budget.
  3. Validate costs charged from manning agents against agreed wage scales, crew rotation and overtime schedules. Ensure all charges are consistent with expectations and provide ground work for Fleet Manning Manager’s approval of monthly crew costs. Clarify all inconsistencies with manning agents.
  4. Prepare monthly accounting journals entries to enter manning costs into the owners’ sub-ledgers in the ShipNet accounting module. Enter purchase orders in ShipNet to accrue manning costs that have not yet been invoiced including travel and training costs.
  5. Carry out monthly analysis of actual costs versus budget and work with the manning agents to explain material variance from budget. Provide an in-depth quarterly
    commentary on actual versus budget results to include in the OPEX management accounting pack to budget holders and shareholders.
  6. Provide ad hoc financial analysis to assist management with business decisions such as identification of cost savings and impact of exchange rates on manning costs.
  7. Calculate cash flow predictions and arrange funding payments to manning agents.
  8. Track “cash to master” payments and associated recharge from the vessels’ on board float.
  9. Work with manning personnel and HSEQ department to track and monitor costs and claims associated with protection and indemnity (P&I) personal injury/illness claims and other manning related claims.
  10. Attend meetings and briefings with manning department, manning agents, officers and other ship management activities that could potentially impact manning costs such as crew changes, crew training and crew travel.
  11. Filing, photocopying and scanning of manning invoices, statements and correspondence.
  12. Other duties as directed.

Skills and qualifications required

  • A background and experience in accountancy or financial analysis of multi-currency costs.
  • Highly analytical with capacity to pay great attention to detail.
  • Confident communicator (written and spoken) in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
  • Ability to engage with external stakeholders and challenge irregularities in a diplomatic manner.
  • Intermediate/advance excel skills. Working knowledge of other MS applications including Word, Outlook, Project and Access. Previous experience working with financial reporting applications and report writing tools such as ShipNet and Crystal reports.
To apply for the positions, please send your detailed resume with availability to our recruitment team by e-mail.
Location: Worldwide

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