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AMPM Yacht Management is always looking for competent people

Home >All Jobs > Yachts jobs > AMPM Yacht Management is always looking for competent people
AMPM Yacht Management is always looking for competent people who are ready to take on new challenges.

You will always be treated with respect and integrity when you are in touch with us. You can expect us to be very thorough in our interviews and assesments when we have the pleasure of meeting you live.
Our assesment methods are likely to be rather new to you but at the same time very professional. We belive that you actually will enjoy and appreciate our approach in our quest of finding the best possible crew for our clients and the best possible job for you!

AMPM Yacht Management
Bilgatan 3 B SE-442 40 Kungälv Sweden
Mr. Erik Rudelius, Personnel Manager
Email: Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER
Fax: +46 303 23 07 01 Location: Worldwide

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Job added by AMPM Yacht Management AB and AMPM Marine Management AB

Views: 18886
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