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Third Engineer for Bulk Carrier with salary 2150 USD

Home >All Jobs > Engine Officers > Third Engineer for Bulk Carrier with salary 2150 USD

Elvictor Group (Cyprus) is well known in the maritime world for employing unconventional, innovative methods and initiatives with high value impact, and with the ultimate goal to extensively transform the Human Resource Supply Chain and related practices. Our Mission is to intelligently select,  thoroughly train and ultimately nurture the next generation of competent seafarers, who will fully safeguard our Principals’ vessels, in compliance with the strictest legal norms and professional standards.

bulk carrier

We are looking for:

  • Position: Third Engineer
  • Salary: 2150 USD  p/m
  • Ship Type: Bulk Carrier
  • DWT: 30000
  • Main Engine: MAN B&W
  • Requirement: Good English.

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Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Elvictor Group

Views: 2193
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