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Careers - Oasis Marine Services LTD Canada

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People form the most important asset in our business. We invest a lot of time and resources in recruiting and mentoring our staff. The complete process of recruitment, induction, training, mentoring, culminating with the taking over of responsibility to independently handle the work processes is a challenging task. We spend considerable amount of time during this process to ensure that we assign the right people for the right job. We recruit people on the basis of their qualifications and work experience. We have in-house training programs to impart technical knowledge and provide work instructions to the team. Apart from our in-house training programs, we have training programs conducted by our Principals to improve the specific skills of the team.

We shape careers of people who have willingness to build a long term partnership with us. Our performance monitoring systems help us identify the high achievers. We nurture the talent within our various projects to prepare them to eventually lead our existing or new projects. We have regular Management Development Programs for the project leads. These programs are aimed at developing the middle management to perform their existing functions efficiently and also to gear up to take additional responsibilities in future.

If you are interested in applying for any positions, apply:
Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER

Oasis Marine Services LTD (Canada)
1-604-293-1730 (phone), 1-604-293-1731 (fax)
Contact by post 4307, Canada Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5G 1J3 Location: Worldwide

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