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Second Engineer for Bulk Carrier with salary 6500-6700 USD

Home >All Jobs > Engine Officers > Second Engineer for Bulk Carrier with salary 6500-6700 USD

Yialos Manning Services is the official representetive of Overseas in Ukraine, works on the official basis according to the Ukrainian International Law with the support of Unlimited Manning License. The Overseas Group was founded by extremely qualified and experienced individuals, equally regarded in their respective fields for their integrity, as well as their achievements. The Overseas Group possesses the management, staff and resources (whether logistically or technologically) to provide its clients, a fully integrated and seamless service, around the clock.

bulk carrier

We are looking for:

  • Position: Second Engineer
  • Ship type: Bulk Carrier
  • Salary: 6500-6700 USD p/m
  • DWT: 61300
  • Contract Duration: 5 +/- 45 days
  • Requirements: Good English; Experience in rank.

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Location: Worldwide

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