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ETR for Bulk Carrier - 30 000 DWT

Home >All Jobs > Electricians > ETR for Bulk Carrier - 30 000 DWT

Our company "Olive Crew Management LTD" is fully licensed by Ukrainian Government for manning activities and certified by Bureau Veritas with regard to the requirements of MLC 2006. We offer to seafarers: 1) Reliable Shipowners 2) Young fleet of bulk carriers 3) Prospectus of promotion 4) Long-term cooperation 5) Very competitive wage scale 6) Salaries payable in time 7)FREE of charge employment. Our aim is to provide the best service to both our principals and seafarers

We are looking for:

  • Position: ETR
  • Vessel Type: Bulk Carrier
  • DWT: 30 000
  • Requirement: Good English

If you are interested in this position - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Olive Crew Management LTD.

Views: 1224
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