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Electrician with salary 100-110 USD for Offshore Vessel

Home >All Jobs > Electricians > Electrician with salary 100-110 USD for Offshore Vessel

We - "MARPO" are professional Crew Management company that has been established and operating from Odessa, Ukraine since 2007. We staff our clients’ ships with the right crew at the right price and undertake completely the administrative and operational burden associated with crew management, enabling our clients to focus exclusively on their core business. We take pride for our reliability and the exceptional manner in which we deliver our service, exceeding always the needs and expectations of our clients and assisting them in achieving their business objectives.

We are looking for:

  • Position: Electrician
  • Salary: 100-110 USD p/d
  • Vessel Type: AHTS/PSV/Towage or any other offshore vessel
  • Contract duration: 3 +/- 1 months
  • Requirements: Good English

If you are interested in this position - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: United Arab Emirates (UAE)

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Job added by Marpo Offshore and Maritime Recruitment

Views: 1176
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