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Chief Cook for Supply Vessel with salary 140 EUR per day

Home >All Jobs > Offshore > Chief Cook for Supply Vessel with salary 140 EUR per day

Marine Crew Agency Nordvegr Ltd. is one of the biggest crewing agencies in Kaliningrad region. We have been working in the recruitment industry since 1998. Recruitment of marine personnel for overseas ship owners is our company’s core business. Long-term cooperation with overseas ship owners and foreign companies helps us to work successfully and productively in forming a crew. We provide high quality services, promptness, attentiveness and friendly attitude.

We are looking for:

  • Position: Chief Cook
  • Salary: 140 EUR p/d
  • Vessel Type: Supply Vessel
  • DWT: 4200
  • Contract Duration: 8 week(s) on/off
  • Requirement(s): Good English; Experience.

If you are interested with this job - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Nordvegr Ltd

Views: 1255
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