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Electrician with salary 6200 USD per month for Container Ship

Home >All Jobs > Electricians > Electrician with salary 6200 USD per month for Container Ship

Staff Centre, founded in 1999, is one of the most reliable shipping companies providing worldwide seaborne transportation solutions in the dry bulk sector holding the highest benchmark in customer service and management of their assets. Staff Centre Group is currently managing a fleet of 8 bulk carriers and 2 general cargo ships; over 70 vessels are under crewing management.


We are looking for:

  • Position: Electrician
  • Salary: 6200 USD p/m
  • Vessel Type: Container Vessel
  • DWT: 113212
  • ME: MAN B&W
  • Contract duration: 4 +/- 1 month(s)
  • Requirement(s): Good English; Experience on same type of vessel.

If you are interested with this job - click the "Apply here" button and send your CV.

Location: Worldwide

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Views: 353
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