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1st Officer / SDPO DSV DP2

Home >All Jobs > Offshore > 1st Officer / SDPO DSV DP2
Vessel name : (DP2 DSV)
Joining date : 30Nov
Joining port : Qatar
Position : 1st Officer / SDPO
Salary : USD450 per day
Contract : 6 weeks rotation
Experience : must have DSV experience
Certificate : Full DP

(0552) 22 97 58 (land line)
+38 095 16 14 970 (mob)
+38 096 04 81 665 (mob)
+38 063 48 24 716 (mob)
Sallary: 450 $
Join date: - 30.11.2014
Duration of contract: - 6 weeks rotation
Vessel's Type: - Diving support vessel

Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER Location: Worldwide

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