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Urgently, Seacontractors is looking for 2nd officer SDPO available to join FFPV vessel next week. Duration of contract – 6 weeks.
Candidate must have below documents:
Offshore Medical
ECDIS – IMO 1.27
Schengen visa
Dutch COC can be arranged in two days as second officer.
Please contact with us in any additional information.
+38 (048) 737 33 81
+38 (098) 025 34 78
All applications forwarded to: Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER
Salary/Day:250-320 €
On board:19.06.12
Duration:6 weeks
Vessel type:Pipe-laying Vessel

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Black Sea Contractors

Views: 1273
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