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Ch off SDPO, Support

Home >All Jobs > Offshore > Ch off SDPO, Support
Dutch company has the following vacancy on board of 2 Support vessels for C/O Senior DPO with DP 2 ticket
Flag: Dutch
Date: ASAP
Schedule: 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off
The requested crew need to be in possession of next valid certification:
• certificate of competence Chief Officer (national and preferably flag state, at least valid for 6 months after signing off)
• DP 2 unlimited operator certificate with at least 2 years of diving experience + Dutch C/O license
• Must have a good command of the English language (both verbal and in writing) and we must receive proof thereof
• Valid Dutch docs
Please do not respond if you do not meet the above criteria.
+38 (048) 737 33 81
+38 (098) 025 34 78
All applications forwarded as soon as possible to: Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER

Location: Worldwide

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