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Oiler for Passenger

Home >All Jobs > Passenger and Cruise > Oiler for Passenger
We have open vacancy for good English speaking and experienced Oiler for Passenger vessel of our Cyprus clients: Gross tonnage : 4575
DWT : 804
Type of ship : Passenger Ship
Year of build : 1989
Flag : Cyprus
Wages: USD 1709
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ice-strengthened vessel which provides Polar expedition cruises in the Arctic and Antarctica
Crew Nationality: Nautical/Marine crew mostly Russian, Hotel staff and Expedition crew are of various nationalities (West European, Filipino, Australian, Canadian) . Special requirement: Russian or East European good/sufficient English skills and knowledge of Russian for the ratings, good/sufficient English skills experience on passenger vessels and in possession of necessary passenger vessels certification, in possession of valid Schengen visa. The last two required due to requested urgent embarking. Duration: negotiable, 3 to 6 months contract
Please send your applications to the e-mail: (Re: Oiler for Passenger) Location: Worldwide

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