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Working on Yachts

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Working on Yachts
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”
Ella Smirnova: Director of Proangels Ltd, born in Riga/Latvia, studied Psychology in Germany, musician and music teacher for early musical education, piano and keyboards, worked as Solo singer and performer in several bands (Big Bands: “Underground Big Band” Weiden and “Swing a Ling Ding Big Band” Schwandorf, Jazz Quintet “Modern Five”, Rock Band “Jagged Jam” and Band “Charisma”), worked as scientific officer in University Regensburg – cooperation management and intercultural psychology with focus on psychometric assessments and efficiency of labour in group processes and intergroup relations, operated as Manager of german e-commerce Company MC&E, operates as Director at Proangels Ltd since 2009 with expertise in HR, International Recruitment and Crew Placement.

Proangels Ltd are at your service 24 h a day in fluent russian, english and german.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Confucius
Pretty powerful words from Confucius – imagine that if you find your dream career you would never have to work another day. Never wake up and have that sinking feeling in your stomach thinking about what faced you in the office. Never get to the end of the working year, and have a hard time thinking what you had accomplished. To many people this may seem like an impossible dream. If you are one of those people, then take a few moments right now to free your mind and think hard about what you want from your dream career.

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.”

Table of Salaries in Euros


20 – 30m

3500 – 6500

30 – 45m

5000 – 8000

45 – 60m

8000 – 11000

60m +

11000 +

20 – 30m

2500 – 3500

30 – 45m

3000 – 5000

45 – 60m

4500 – 7000

60m +

5000 +
2nd Mates/2nd Officers

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Proangels Super Yacht Crew Placement and Management

Views: 10673
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