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Master on Crew Boat

Home >All Jobs > Full crew > Master on Crew Boat
Rank: Master on Crew Boat with Saudi Aramco operations.
Salary: 1500-180 usd per day
Duration: 2 months
24 month in rank insimilar type of vessel
English marlin test certificate with minimum 80%
Please apply with your Maritime-Union.com Application Form at Email: HIDDEN LINK - PLEASE LOGIN or REGISTER (FOR CV)
+380934618307; +380687458413
Sallary: 150-180 $
Join date: - 24.05.2015
Duration of contract: - 2
Vessel's Type: - Offshore Support Vessel
Sea-going Experience - 2 contracts and more on a similar type of vessels in the rank
English Level - Good and higher

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by TideMarine ltd.

Views: 1864
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