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Recruitment and Job opportunities
Secure a Ship Ltd provides maritime security solutions in the designated High Risk Areas throughout the Gulf of Aden, East and West African coastlines, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Oman and the Red Sea.

Due to changes in flag state laws PMSC’s find themselves having to go through due-diligence to show they can do the task required professionally, safely and within the law. MSO’s now find themselves caught up in this, they are being asked to show evidence that they are qualified and capable of doing the task that is asked of them.

Please send through your updated CV in WORD and current qualifications to Email, only send through your application if you’ve got all the necessary qualifications.

Please don’t call the office as we try to use this for the clients only, we will get back to you as soon as we can. Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Secure a Ship Ltd United Kingdom

Views: 16760
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