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Yacht Engineer, Chief Yacht Engineer

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Yacht Engineer, Chief Yacht Engineer
Yacht engineer jobs require applicants to be responsible for all mechanical, electrical, electronic, plumbing and computer systems aboard.
It is your responsibility to work with both planned maintenance and yard periods to assure that the yacht is always in good, safe, working order. Yacht engineering requires you to do everything from filter and oil changes to complete engine rebuilds. You can’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, but like all jobs onboard, you can expect to present yourself clean and tidy ready to interact with owners and guests at a moment’s notice.

On charter and larger yachts, you are required to have a yacht engineer license. On smaller yachts the captain or mate may be responsible for the basic engine maintenance. Knowledge of diesel engine maintenance and general mechanical ability is a must for a yacht engineer. Other skill sets useful in yacht engineering include refrigeration, plumbing, electrics, air conditioning and IT experience.

Entry Level Yacht Engineer:

Basic engineering, including outboard motors
Diesel knowledge
General refrigeration and AC
Basic plumbing
Basic electrical and electronics
Trouble shooting

Chief Yacht Engineer:

All of the above at an advanced level
Appropriate licenses/certificates
Shipboard wiring
Ship sanitation
Management skills, ability to direct/teach others in the engine room
Inventory control
Planned maintenance Location: Worldwide

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Job added by The Crew Network USA

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