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Crew - 8 tankers - fleet age of 4 years

Home >All Jobs > Tanker fleet > Crew - 8 tankers - fleet age of 4 years
Crew - 8 tankers - fleet age of 4 years
Lauranne Shipping B.V. (LS) was established as a vessel management company in 1996 and has managed over 30 oil and chemical vessels since. At present she manages 8 tankers, all commissioned by LS in Romania and Turkey, with an average fleet age of 4 years.

LAURA H - 5.413 DWT, build in 2002
LS CONCORDE - 4.692 DWT, build in 2003
LS JACOBA - 15.551 DWT, build in 2006
LS CHRISTINE - 8.673 DWT, build in 2007
LS EVA - 4.726 DWT, build in 2007
LS ANNE - 5.757 DWT, build in 2008
LS JAMIE - 5.775 DWT, build in 2009
LS EVANNE - 7003 DWT, build in 2010

Our vessels are manned by our exclusive manning agency Triton company S.R.L who act as crew manager of our vessels with primary task to man the vessels with capable and professional Romanian officers and crew. The “Triton-Team” ensures that crew is familiarised with their roles and responsibilities, competent for their work and capable of working in teams on board. Triton Company S.R.L. is ISO 9001 certified and maintains a logic filing system. All information related to the seafarers is directly accessible including copies of all Crew, Certificates, Endorsements and Medical Certificates.

Triton has good relations with the maritime academy in Constanta and 4 employees had their education at this Academy. Location: Worldwide

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