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Deck Department

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Deck Department
Basically crew on ship is divided three departments; Deck, Engine and Saloon Department. For a safe and perfect sailing these department play vital role. The deck department is concerned with the effective management of vessel crew; maintaining proper watches; maintaining vessel logs for company and customer; manoeuvring vessel in port at various docks and offshore at various offshore facilities; general navigation of vessel; and overseeing the enforcement of and adherence to all company policies and procedures on board as described under SEACOR's Safety Management System (SMS) manual.


He captain is in overall command of a Merchant navy ship and is responsible for the safety, efficiency and commercial feasibility of his ship. His duties are navigational at sea. While in ports he is responsible for cargo operations. He maintains orderliness and discipline in the ship. He ensures safety of passengers, crew and the cargo and assigns organizational duties for ship's operation, navigation and maintenance of the ship. He acts as the ship owner's representative with all outside parties. He implements the company's policies for operations and safety and the commercial instructions that may be given by the owners time to time. He is also the legal head of the ship.
Role and responsibility of captain:-
Safe navigation and operation.
Budget management.
Managing money and accounting on board.
Decision making with regard to crew.
Overseeing the upkeep of the vessel .
Assuming the role of host and entertaining when necessary .
Manage refit projects .
Taking control of repairs and yard visits.

Chief Officer :
The Chief Officer comes after the Master in deck department; that is he is the second in command on the ship and the head of the deck department. He is the executive officer of the deck department. He assists in navigation and is in charge of all maintenance, cargo loading and discharge. He keeps watch at sea from 0400 to 0800 hours and from 1600 to 2000 hours. The chief officer has three important functions. Firstly he is responsible for maintenance of hull, machinery and equipment coming under deck department. The chief officer may seek the assistance of the engine department if required. He is responsible to check whether the safe working practices are followed on board and fostering the safety culture trough drills, exercises, training etc. and he is responsible for planning, loading, securing and discharging cargo carried by the ship. He is also given the duty as ship security officer in most of the ships.

Trainees are referred as cadets in deck department. They are given the duty of watch keeping under the supervision of an officer and perform any work on deck or elsewhere connected with maintenance, record keeping, checking and maintenance of deck stores and all work connected with cargo, ballasting/deballasting and also includes daily sounding of all tanks and reporting the result to Chief Officer..

Deck Cadets:
A deck cadet is more of a marine graduate who works directly under the chief mate on the ship. Normally a deck cadet has to complete one full year of training on board under the senior ranks..

Second and Third Officers:
The Second Officer comes after the Chief Officer. He keeps watch from 1200 to 1600 hours and from 0200 to 0400 hours. He also keeps a deck watch in ports. He is in charge of navigation and medical care and works under the order of Master and Chief Officer. He plane the voyage, ensures all navigational publications are in order, charts are corrected, navigational equipments such as Radars, Gyro compass, echo sounding devices are well maintained and are operational. He also acts as the radio communication officer as required by the Master.
The Third Officer comes after the Second Officer. He keeps watch from 0800 to 1200 and from 2000 to 0000 hours. He is responsible for cargo supervision in ports. He acts as a signal officer in charge of all signalling equipment. He looks after the maintenance of the life saving appliances and fire fighting equipments under the instructions of Chief Officer. He may also acts as the radio communication officer if required by the master.

TA Boatswain, pronounced as Bosun, is in charge of all the deck crew and he supervises the crew on board. Working in association with the chief mate, a bosun plans the tasks for the crew and oversees the work given. A bosun might be the third or the fourth officer on ship and doesn´t keep any of the watches..
ABs, as they are fondly called, is the members of the deck department who keep watches along with the officers on the bridge. While sailing the job of an AB is to carry out all the navigational duties on bridge, like maintaining the course and standing as a lookout during night watch.
The ordinary seaman, or the OS, is the lower rank on the deck side and is responsible for variety of duties on the deck. An OS is often required to wash and sweep the deck besides doing various deck side jobs like painting, scaling and buffing. Location: Worldwide

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