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Career @ Waruna

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Our Company was originally founded in 1990. Since its founding, Waruna has grown to be a shipyard that owns one of the largest Dry Docks in Indonesia, with the capacity up to 100,000 DWT. 


Waruna Group opens up career opportunities for applicants with a different range of experiences. We offer positive working environment which is distinguished by open-mindedness, integrity and respect for each individual. The company relies on continuous individual development of its staff both at professional and personal level and we feel the necessity to provide our employees with further training & education. Here you will experience a new level of challenges and rewarding career... A career with Waruna Team!

Waruna group

Please select from options below, which type of job really suits you: 

- Masinis II Tug Boat
- Masinis I Tug Boat
- Nakhoda Tanker
- Chief Officer, 2nd Officer & 3rd Officer
- Chief Engineer
- 1st Engineer, 2nd Engineer, 3rd Engineer
- Electriciant
- Foreman
- Oiler
- Bosun
- A/B (Able Body Seaman) & OS (Ordinary Seaman)
- Nakhoda Tug Boat

- Harbour Tug Superintendent
- Tanker Superintendent / OS
- Corporate Legal Staff
- Manager Technical Tanker
- Bulk Carrier Owner Superintendent (OS)
- Bulk Carrier Owner Superintendent (OS)
- ICT Executive

Location: Worldwide

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Job added by PT Waruna Nusa Sentana

Views: 39393
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