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Cadet programme

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Carisbrooke Shipping owns / operates a fleet of over 65 modern dry cargo and multi-purpose vessels from offices in Cowes (UK) and Zwijndrecht (Holland).

Cadet programme

In order to meet both customer demand and new developing trades, we upgraded our initial 5,000 dwt new-building program into a deep-sea trans-oceanic version, increasing the sizes to 10,500 dwt and 13,400 dwt and fitting them with heavy-duty self-sustained cranes and tweendecks. The success of this new program helped us in tailoring future new designs of geared 8,000 dwt bulkers, 12,400 dwt MPP-Tween and grab-fitted 13,400 dwt bulkcarriers, which are now the backbone of our deep-sea trade.

Important Guidance Notes

  • Cadets should ideally be between 16-21 years of age
  • Minimum requirements are four GCSE’s at C+, including Mathematics, Physical Science and English
  • Applicants must pass a medical examination and drug and alcohol abuse screening before commencement

Professional, motivated and highly-trained crew are “fundamental” to safe and efficient shipboard operations in today’s competitive market.


Carisbrooke Shipping manages a pool of experienced Officers and Ratings, who are all highly-trained and committed to our company, vessels and clients’ needs. We implement strong policies and procedures to ensure high standards are achieved and maintained. Carisbrooke embraces, equality, team spirit and family values, and crew welfare is a priority in crew retention.

We operate a careful and thorough screening and recruitment process to ensure the identification of the best candidates for our fleet.

Our Crew Management Team has a wealth of experience and is dedicated to delivering a personal and professional service to our clients and crews.


Crew Management Services include:

  • Ensuring all Crew meet STCW and MLC requirements
  • Recruitment / Selection / Planning and Deployment
  • Cost-Effective Crew Change formalities / Crew Travel
  • Regular performance monitoring and evaluations
  • Maintaining accurate personnel file records and database
  • Crew Payroll / Allotments
  • P&I Insurance (including claims management)
  • Enhanced Safety Training / vessel-specific
  • Cadet and Officer Training Development
  • Union / CBA cover and negotiations


carisbrooke fleet

If you feel you have the right qualities to become a valued member of our team, please forward the application form to the Marine Personnel Manager, together with a letter of introduction. Copies of certificates may be forwarded at a later date.


Location: Worldwide

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Job added by Carisbrooke Shipping Limited

Views: 31875
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