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Euronav Full Crew!

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Euronav Full Crew!

Euronav is a vertically integrated owner operator and manager able to provide complete shipping services in addition to its fleet of modern large tankers. The crude oil seaborne transportation market is cyclical and highly volatile requiring flexible, proactive management of assets in terms of fleet composition and employment. 

Euronav increases exposure to the market through opportunistically entering the market by chartering vessels from other owners and tonnage providers whilst maintaining a core fleet of high-quality owned or controlled tonnage. The Euronav core fleet has an average age of a little less than 8 years.

Euronav operates its fleet both on the spot and the period market. Most of Euronav's VLCCs and 1 V-Plus are operated in the Tankers International pool. The majority of its Suezmax fleet is fixed on long-term charter.

Euronav can also supply and operate Floating, Storage and Offloading (FSO) vessels through conversion or newbuilding. Euronav is able to bring added value to its offshore projects through building supervision or construction, engineering and in-house management.

Fleet management is conducted by three wholly owned subsidiaries Euronav Ship Management SAS and Euronav SAS, both French companies with head quarters in Nantes, France and with a major branch office in Antwerp, Belgium and Euronav Ship Management (Hellas) Ltd. with branch office in Piraeus, Greece. The skills of its directly employed seagoing officers and crew and its shore-based staff, including captains and engineers, give Euronav a competitive edge in high-quality design, maintenance and operation. Euronav vessels fly Belgian, Greek, French, Marshall Islands and Panamese flag.

Euronav Full Crew!

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Euronav is an owner, operator, and manager of ocean going tankers dedicated to the safe and reliable transport of crude oil worldwide. Euronav's fleet is currently the youngest in the industry and entirely double-hulled. Euronav meets the challenges of the oil transport industry by managing the commercial, operational, technical, and staffing aspects of its own fleet exclusively in-house. Euronav Ship Management SAS, out of its offices in Nantes, Antwerp, and Piraeus, manages a fleet of tankers ranging from Suezmax, very large, and ultra large crude oil carriers, all flying European flags. Work is performed through multidisciplinary, experienced teams rather than rigid hierarchies. Euronav strives to engage, empower and reward its people, both onboard and ashore, in a challenging and innovative yet secure and reliable environment. Euronav's combination of young vessels, experienced staff, performance culture, and in-house management has enabled it to achieve outstanding growth and profitability in an extremely competitive industry.


Applications for jobs on Euronav vessels can also be sent by e-mail to:

  • Belgium (and other countries for employment to Offshore Units)
  • Greece (and other countries for employment to Seagoing Vessels)
  • France



For spontaneous applications, we kindly invite you to send your CV in English to our human resources department using the following e-mail address.


Location: Worldwide

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