The core business of our Company is crewing – manning of ships and we give to it a special attention.
Seafarers us are our greatest asset, therefore to the our client too; we know them, they are not from some unfamiliar countries, they are from this region, we know them and it easy to check; they are actually from ex-Yugoslavia, mostly Croatians, Slovenians, Montenegrins. That is our advantage; we know our seamen – our biggest asset.
Rank: Oiler on Supplier
Ship type: Supplier - AHTS
Trading area: Spain - Dubai
Fom Spain to Dubai. Because of the crisis, the shipping company has lowered its salaries so it is now 50 USD less for a period on board.
Interested parties should contact immediately with a fresh CV application.
Interested parties should contact immediately with a fresh CV application.
Job added by Pomorska Agencija Mustra
Note! Companies never receive or ask for money from seafarers! Read more about Scam Jobs